Baby showers are one of the most traditional yet fun-filled ways to celebrate the mum-to-be. Mostly conducted later in the pregnancy, the event is also used to mark the transformation of a woman into a mother. Guests and loved ones would come and be part of your happiness with both their presence and the beloved gifts as you celebrate this transformation. But mind you, they will be scared as well. Yes, you have heard us right. They might be scared of the dreaded games they might have to participate in during the event. But games are fun, you might argue. No, not all games are fun! The to-be-mom wouldn’t want guests to guess the circumference of her tummy, would she? That would be embarrassing.

So as the organiser it is your responsibility to choose the games wisely. You need to ensure that the guests will feel comfortable while they have an amusing time. But this is easier said than done. Hence, to help you out our team has compiled a list of games that are crowd favourites for baby shower events. These will keep the crowd interested right till the end and transform the event into a memorable one for your guests. Here is the list!

Baby Word Scramble

Scramble is a favourite at Baby shower events! A list of scrambled baby related words is up for unscrambling and the participant, who gets most words unscrambled, wins. Below is an example list.

Baby babble - Baby shower games

Blindfolded Diaper Changing

Arrange for a doll, diapers, a blindfold, some enthusiasm and you are ready to rock & roll. The participant who changes the diaper on the doll the fastest will be winner. Though this sounds easy things might just get a bit soiled with the blindfold on.

Blindfolded Diaper Changing - Baby shower games

Stand up, Sit down

Simple yet interesting, this game smartly involves the mom-to-be. She is supposed to stand with her back facing the participants, who are also standing. Now, she will begin shouting out statements like “If you are wearing jeans, sit down” and all those who satisfy the statement have to sit down. The mom-to-be will keep on shouting similar conditions (check the below list for ideas) till there is just one participant standing. And that one would be the winner!

Stand up sit down games - Baby shower games

Pin It

Pure fun! This game lets everyone enjoy as the blindfolded participant tries to pin the pacifier on the baby’s mouth. You can get creative and come up with your own version like pinning the moustache on the father-to-be. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?

Pin it up - Baby shower games

Guess Baby Food

Buy jars of baby food and get rid of their labels. Now the guests will have to taste and guess which baby food (or even the flavour) it is. The one who has the most correct guesses wins and something tells us that this game is going to be yummy as well.

Name that baby food - Baby shower games

Guess What’s in the Bag

Another guessing game! But in this case, guests will have to feel the product rather than taste it. Put baby items in a bag. Ask the guests to put their hands in the bag, feel the item and guess which one it is. Simple!

Guess what's in the bag - Baby shower games

What’s in your purse?

Guests will be given a sheet with items and points corresponding to them (like the image below). They have to check their purse for the items on the list, and tally their total points. For example, with the below list as reference, if you have a paperclip in your purse, you get 2 points. While a mini bottle of liquor will fetch you 25 points. And the guest with the most points wins!

What's in your purse - Baby shower games

Whichever game you choose, the most important factor for the games to be a success is the participation from the guests. Make sure that they feel comfortable and they will be more than willing to be part of the events. Finally, add some fun to these already fun-filled games and you will surely have a rocking baby shower event!


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