Indian Baby photography ideas for a traditional setup, from a grand cradle to your wedding outfit, little Krishna and and a gorgeous Indian Princess. Comment with links to your photo shoot pictures to get included in our next post !

  1. Your gorgeous Bandani Wedding Saree Your gorgeous Bandani Wedding Saree
    Credits: Lilibean photography
    A wedding saree is very close to a girl’s heart since it symbolises so many emotions, what better than to have your baby’s picture with it, a start of a journey of emotions .
  2. Ceremonial Red Wedding SareeCeremonial Red Wedding Saree
    Credits: Photography by Asiya
    Nothing’s more perfect than your Red Wedding saree, which symbolises stepping into womanhood and eventually motherhood
  3. Blue wedding outfitBaby photoshoot on Blue wedding outfit
    Credits: Raibow Eleven
  4. Little Indian PrincessLittle Indian Princess
    Credits: Sabrina Dowdy
    Jewellery is a quinessential part of Indian culture. Dress up your baby in ethnic jewellery and click away !
  5. Parsi baby’s first solid feedParsi baby's first solid feed
    Annaprasana marks the infant’s first intake of food other than milk and is condidered a very auspicious occasion in some cultures. Capture these moments and treasure them forever
  6. Ancestral grand cradleGrand cradleAncestral grand cradle
    Credits: Photography by Asiya
    Indian ancestral artwork symbolises grandeur. Let your little one become ONE with the ancestral grandeur.
  7. Wrapped in a SariIndian baby wrapped in a Sari
    Credits: Laura Squire
    A saree and a bindi depicts exquisite beauty and grace of an Indian woman. A perfect photo shoot idea for your little Princess
  8. As Bal Kishan complete with a peacock feather and fluteBaby as Bal Krishna with fluteCredit:
  9. Gorgeous baby in Grandma’s grand SariBaby in Grandma's Sari
  10. Baby Krishna on birds nestBaby as Krishna on Birds NestSmita Photography
  11. Little princess with a mang tikkaBaby shoot in wedding dresslindy mowery photography
  12. Pretty Indian babyBaby as Little Indian PrincessJean Rhim Photography
  13. Traditional sari cradleBaby in Sari CradleRaibow Eleven
  14. Baby on wedding SariBaby on wedding SariEdwards Photography


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